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Particle size analysis is often used for characterization of particulate matter. The relationship between the physical properties of particulate matter, such as powder strength, flowability, dissolution rate, emulsion/suspension stability and particle size forms always the reason for such characterization. For materials having a particle size distribution, it is important to use the relevant parameter, a certain mean particle size, weighted for example by number, area or volume, in the relationship with physical properties.
This part of ISO 9276 describes two procedures for the use of moments for the calculation of mean sizes, the spread and other statistical measures of a particle size distribution.
The first method is named moment-notation. The specific utility of the moment-notation is to characterize size distributions by moments and mean sizes. The moment-notation addresses weighting principles from physics, especially mechanical engineering, and includes arithmetic means from number based distributions only as one part.
The second method is named moment-ratio-notation. The moment-ratio-notation is based on a number statistics and frequencies approach, but includes also conversion to other types of quantities.
Important is that the meaning of the subscripts of mean sizes defined in the moment-notation differs from the subscripts of mean sizes defined in the moment-ratio-notation. Both notations are linked by a simple relationship, given in Clause 6.
Both notations are suited for derivation and/or selection of mean sizes related to physical product and process properties for so-called property functions and process functions. The type of mean size to be preferred should have a causal relationship with the relevant physical product or process property.
The particle characterization community embraces a very broad spectrum of science disciplines. The notation of the size distribution employed has been influenced by the branch of industry and the application and thus no single notation has found universal favour.
There are some particle size dependent properties, like light scattering in certain particle size ranges, which cannot be characterized by mean particles sizes, derived from simple power law equations of the notation systems.
This part of ISO 9276 provides relevant equations and coherent nomenclatures for the calculation of moments, mean particle sizes and standard deviations from a given particle size distribution. Two notation systems in common use are described. One is the method of moments while the second describes the moment-ratio method. The size distribution may be available as a histogram or as an analytical function.
The equivalent diameter of a particle of any shape is taken as the size of that particle. Particle shape factors are not taken into account. It is essential that the measurement technique is stated in the report in view of the dependency of sizing results of measurement principle. Samples of particles measured are intended to be representative of the population of particles.
For both notation systems, numerical examples of the calculation of mean particle sizes and standard deviation from histogram data are presented in an annex.
The accuracy of the mean particle size may be reduced if an incomplete distribution is evaluated. The accuracy may also be reduced when very limited numbers of size classes are employed.
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